This is celebrity Big Brother, and you can easily be forgiven if you've heard of none of the occupants of the house. We're not talking A-list celebs, in fact were not talking anything in the first ten letters of the alphabet here.
Jade, who is a previous chav-in-the-box winner, prior to this week is seemingly famous for being fat and of markedly low intelligence. Now she's likely the pin-up girl of the British National Party. Seems she and some of her cronies in the house have been making remarks to Bollywood star Shilpa that have been construed as racist. It's major news in the UK and India, and questions have been asked in Parliament.
Probably not useful questions like "why has Channel 4 dropped in quality by an order of magnitude every day since Jeremy Isaacs left?" That's a question for which I'd love a solution.
Anyway, Jade got kicked out of the house tonight. So there's an even money chance we may never hear from her again. We can only hope.
Anyway, here's my take on the competition:
Shilpa's perfect ass
Jade, a total arse

the Greenpeace Zodiac is just out of shot to the left.