I'm puzzled. What's the attraction for Angelina? She was just voted number one sexiest person in the World by some pointless UK TV show.
I can understand the attraction perhaps if you are either a) a lesbian, or b) a gay man - but as straight male, I think she's ok looking, but nothing special.
Perhaps much of the turn on is for her pneumatic breasts? I wouldn't know, breasts are breasts to me - but seeing as how in the movie "Gia" it's evident that they were already beginning to sag a little, I really don't see it.
So let's turn to her ass, being the sole purpose of this epistle. To my eyes it seems masculine. It lacks an inviting curvature or softness somehow. In this movie I noted that she also has a very masculine gait too. Could just be acting, I don't pay much attention to her usually, so maybe normally she walks like a woman. Anyway overall, she's not scoring very highly.
Let's turn to Elizabeth Mitchell for relief. Perhaps better known as the safe for family viewing High School Principal in Santa Clause 2, in "Gia" she was much more exciting.
The shower pics you see here are of her bottom, which demonstrates much more femininity and sensuality than Miss Jolie's. I find her much more attractive from the front too.
So, again, I'm puzzled. Jenifer Aniston's perfect girly tush or Angelina's boyish one? What was Brad Pitt thinking?
Oh, and the movie "Gia" is about pointless people one of whom takes drugs and dies - a story you've seen a thousand times and it doesn't get any more interesting with each repetition. Drugs movies - producers take note, they mostly always suck. Drug addicts aren't interesting.
So I guess, fast forward to the nudity if you must see the movie.