Well, prepared to have at least one part of you transformed anyway!
Megan seems to have grown much much hotter since her Hope and Faith days. She's now Fox by name, and fox by nature. A pleasure to see in a week that's been slow on the ass front -- everyone seems too obsessed with whether or not Parisite is going to jail.
Obviously Megan'll be in a supporting role to some cgi characters in Michael Bay's interpretation of The Transformers. Here at the Quest we are not especial Transformers fans. Thus, since we believe Michael Bay to be The Anti-auteur -- a hack film-maker with no soul whatsoever -- we won't be too upset when he destroys all the hopes and dreams of every fan of the original show.
We do offer our sympathies now, we understand how painful this will be -- all we can suggest is, that no matter how mind blowingly awful the movie is, do take the time to enjoy Megan's bum.

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- Liv, another woman who survived a Michael Bay Movie is is HERE