Bad News Everyone! Seldom has so little talent conspired to make so much money. One of the greatest swindles of the 20th Century is reforming. The Spice Girls are cashing in again. Bimbo Spice, Chav Spice, Chubby Spice, Token-Black Spice and Dyke Spice are going to inflict themselves on us once more.
Normally we would only tell you not to buy any CD to ensure that the Record Industry (who are pure evil) make less money. However, in this case we'd also like to add that you should avoid paying for anything Spice related because they, quire simply, suck!
If they had no talent and were pretty we wouldn't mind. However, they have no talent. And they are not pretty.
So yep, they will return, just as talentless, just as ugly, and several years older.
God help us all.

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