I'm not a fan of 24. Well, to be precise I though the the premise for the first season - the concept of telling a story over 24 hour long episodes, was a novel and interesting idea. One, the was for the most part, well executed. Never did see Jack go to the bathroom though.... not that I wanted to admittedly.
The actual plotline, was not for me, and it only got more preposterous as the seasons went onward. Somewhere down the line this felt like the scary über-Republican aussie Rupert Murdoch (owner of Fox and most other media) telling me what to think about how terrorists should be dealt with. Again, in case I have not mentioned this enough - I hate Fox.
In fact the only artistry I took from that show was Elisha's darling little bottom. She's starring in a soon to be released movie "Captivity", where she is again kidnapped and tortured. It's directed by the twice Oscar nominated Roland Joffé - certainly a great director, though I think we might assume that this movie is not going to be easy to watch.
I can only hope that Miss Cuthbert can be suitably attired to, perhaps, take our minds off of the more harrowing aspects of the movie..