And here was I, thinking that Keeley Hazell was a stupid name...
Admittedly, her real name is Jennifer Toof. (was it something to do with hot pockets???) . You may - though probably may not - remember her from VH1's "Flavor of Love". She did this head scissors thing that was moderately interesting.
She's the latest, in what is now a fairly long line, of Z list "celebrities" to release a sex tape. The still below in the black panties is from the tape. As you can see it also follows the noble, tested, sex tape tradition of being shot by someone who has never before used a camera in their life. More youTube than dePalma.
(Thinking of releasing a sex tape? Here's a tip - light is your friend, welcome it... lots of it.)
So will I be anxious to see it? Not so much.
Firstly, with Olivia's tape we were promised that it was really dirty and nasty - hopefully it is. We've been given no such assurances with Toastee.
Secondly, Olivia is cute and possesses a tasty little tushie. Toastee's Tushie, is more mushy and her face is not so pretty.
Still, judge for yourself.

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