Much has been written in the US press recently about the UK FHM decision to list Hayden as one of the hottest babes of the year. To my European mind, and I'm sure the minds of most non-American readers, her placement in that pantheon is just and understandable.
It came as a surprise to me that Americans are having a hard time with this, because in the US the age of majority is 18. Hayden turns 18 later this year.
Actually, it's a double standard of course. Many people do recognise that she hot, they are just not permitted to say so publicly without being (wrongly) branded as some kind of dangerous pervert. They had exactly the same agony over Anna Kournikova.
As far as I know, the US is the only country with such preposterous laws - well, other than extremist religious dictatorships.
Americans, you're from a great country. You'd be from a greater country if you controlled your lawyers, your politicians, and your religious right wing.
You need to see beauty and freedom for what it is, and embrace it.

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