Hammer Horror is back. For those of you who don't know, this is a British company that produced cheap camp horror movies throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Without this company there would be no famous Christopher Lee.
Their movies were in many ways, bad. Which is not to say that they were unwatchable. Think Shaw Brothers, think Tarantino.
What they did have, as you can see illustrated here, was a great deal of vulnerable young victims gratuitously naked. There was often a hint of lesbianism too.
The company died in the late 70s. However, it has now risen from the dead. The possible bad news is that is has been bought by Dutch "Big Brother" creator John de Mol.
This may mean überchav Jade Goody has the potential to be hired as a flesh eating creature of the night - presumably white meat only though. No make-up necessary.

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